October 20th - November 2nd
House Happenings
Bi-Weekly Updates
Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee - October 20th
The Joint Committee met for the following briefings:

  • Scoping Evaluation: Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services – Division of Parole and Probation
  • Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability
  • Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services
  • Audit: Maryland Department of Health – Pharmacy Services
  • Office of Legislative Audits
  • Maryland Department of Health 
  • Audit: Maryland Department of Health – Efforts to Identify and Analyze Improper Medicaid Payments 
  • Office of Legislative Audits
  • Maryland Department of Health 
  • Office of Legislative Audits: Summary of Reports Issued and Recommended Committee Action: December 1, 2019, to September 30, 2020

The full agenda and other materials from this meeting can be found here.
House Economic Matters Committee and Senate Finance Committee: Joint FERC Order Workgroup - October 21st
The Workgroup met to discuss updates to the Minimum Office Price Rule (MOPR) by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. 

The full agenda and other materials from this meeting be found here.
Joint Committee on the Management of Public Funds - October 21st 
The Joint Committee met for updates from the Treasurer, Comptroller, and Office of Legislative Audits.
Spending Affordability Committee - October 27th
The committee met jointly with the Appropriations Committee, the Ways and Means Committee, and the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee for a series of fiscal briefings by the Department of Legislative Services. These briefings included:

  • Overview by David Romans
  • Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates by Theresa Tuszynski
  • General Fund Outlook by David Romans 
  • Fiscal 2022 Baseline Forecast by Simon Powell 
  • State Debt Policy by Patrick Frank 
  • Capital Program by Matthew Klein 
  • Transportation Trust Fund by Steven McCulloch 

The full agenda and other materials from this meeting can be found here.
Joint Covid-19 Response Legislative Workgroup - October 28th 
The Joint Workgroup met for a series of briefings about vaccine development. Briefings were presented by:

  • The University of Maryland Medical System
  • BIO/Pharma Representatives
  • The Maryland Department of Health
  • The Baltimore City Health Commissioner

The full agenda and other materials from this meeting can be found here.

In the Media:
Joint Committee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology and Biotechnology - October 28th
The Joint Committee met to discuss:

  • The status and progress of State information technology modernization
  • Cybersecurity for State government, local government, and small businesses in the State
  • Potential committee legislation for the 2021 Legislative Session
Heath and Government Operation Committee: Government Operations and Facilities Subcommittee - October 28th
The Subcommittee met for a series of updates from the University of Maryland Medical System, the Open Meetings Compliance Board, the Public Information Act Compliance Board, and the Public Access Ombudsman.
Legislative Policy Committee - October 28th
The Committee met for briefings on the Governor’s proposal to transfer $250 million from the rainy day fund to various agencies to address Covid-related impacts to small businesses. Briefings were presented by:

  • The Department of Legislative Services
  • David Romans, Fiscal and Policy Coordinator  
  • Emily Haskel, Policy Analyst
  • The Department of Budget and Management
  • David Brinkley, Secretary  
  • Marc Nicole, Deputy Secretary  
  • Jonathan Martin, Executive Director, Office of Budget Analysis 

The full agenda and other materials can be found here.
Environment and Transportation Committee: Land Use and Ethics - October 29th
The Subcommittee met for briefings and discussion pertaining to Maryland ethics laws. 

The full agenda and other materials can be found here.
Upcoming Meetings
Wednesday, November 4th 
Board of Public Works - General Meeting - 10:00AM 

Joint Committee on Ending Homelessness - The Committee will meet for updates from state agencies and to discuss adaptive reuse of commercial space - 1:00PM

Thursday, November 5th 
Joint Committee on Children, Youth, and Families - Briefings on childcare access and affordability - 10:00AM

Friday, November 6th 
Revenues Subcommittee - Briefings on Maryland’s Tax Credit Evaluation Act - 1:30PM

Thursday, November 12th 
Task Force to Study Crime Classification and Penalties - 1:00PM 

Joint Committee on Pensions - Discussion of Board Requested Legislation, 2020 actuarial evaluation, and 2022 contribution rates - 2:00PM